翻牌 apiRandomly browsing something on the iPhone it occurred to me that people could prefix their mobile sites with "mmm" instead of "m" or "i", as in mmm.mysite.tld. Its longer, true, but I dont think it will take longer to …
vim /etc/ansible/hosts[web…
sap 未分类批次Just published my previous posting and saw that apart from putting it in the JSON and JS categories, Ive forgotten to take out the WordPress default "Uncategorized" category. For a moment I wondered how many other people are making …
保加利亚 乱码Im currently on a vacation in my native land Bulgaria, the partys on (and so the soccer World Cup finals) so It wuould be quiet around here for a while. Meanwhile Ive disabled comments, trackbacks and pingbacks, I appologize, its just that Im …
paint.net插件... but doesnt write PNG8 with alpha transparency, unfortunately. ...但是不幸的是,它没有编写具有Alpha透明度的PNG8。 This comment on the YUI blog got me all excited by the possibility of having another designers tool other than Firew…
In the spirit of tooting ones own horn.... 本着too角的精神... 前三名 (Top 3) This morning I noticed my OOJS book is #3 in Amazons JavaScript category, wo-hoo! Then it dropped down but in the evening its up again. Nice company - OOJS, Doug Crockfords book a…
The website for Python egoists™ Python自我主义者™网站 I have this overwhelming desire to know how many times my favorite Python packages have been downloaded. Don’t you? If so, look no further than pythonpackages.com. 我非常想知道我最喜欢的Python软件包…
点击上方“果汁简历”,选择“置顶公众号”IDEA,全称 IntelliJ IDEA ,是 Java 语言的集成开发环境, IDEA 在业界被公认为是最好的 java 开发工具之一,尤其在智能 代码助手、代码自动提示、重构、 J2EE支持、 Ant 、 JUn…
WPtouch是显示移动端Wordpress的插件,挺好用的。Wordpress最近都用上了PHP7,但是这一用WPtouch就报错!报啥错呢: Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable 后来一翻文件,…
function wodepress_post_ed…
php zendExpires August 31, $75 off the "normal" price of $200. For details and purchase, see the PHP certification section of the Zend.com site. 将于8月31日过期,比“正常”价格200美元低75美元。 有关详细信息和购买,请参见Zend.c…
phpbb如何使用邮箱验证Good news today! I got an email from my editor saying that the phpBB book will be published soon. 今天好消息! 我收到编辑发来的电子邮件,说phpBB书籍即将出版。 Yes, Ive been working on a phpBB book for some time, it…
wordpress显示摘要The source code highlighting was probably the first feature I was missing in WordPress. I briefly googled my options and decided it would be quicker to add the missing feature myself, since it looked pretty straightforward. 突出显示源代码可…
Just updated my blogroll (long overdue). It was very easy - Google reader exports subscriptions in OPML, WordPress imports. Then using my OPML-to-HTML tool I was able to quickly produce the following list in HTML. 刚刚更新了我的Blogroll(逾期未交)。 这非常…
牧场物语 牧场规划Theres a book promotion event this week at the JavaRanchs HTML and JavaScript forum, ranchers are asking all kinds of interesting questions about my OOJS book. There will be a free book giveaway at the end of the week, so come in and join …
图书管理系统OOJS is almost officially out. I mean its out officially, but not yet up on amazon, which these days means its not really out, is it. It will probably take a couple more days, maybe next week. OOJS即将正式推出。 我的意思是,它已经正式…
2011Resource http://www.itpub.net/forum.php?modforumdisplay&fid45&page1
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#coded by 伊玛目的门徒
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.users import GetUserInfo
import time
import requests
from bs4 import Beautiful…
To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server该问题原因是php-fpm的用户并没有wordpress解压目录的写权限。
ps -ef | grep "…
一键制作生日快乐的网站Eric Gruber for the heads-up).Eric Gruber的注意)。 Blog stats: 85 posts and 183 comments(thanks everyone!), contained within 19 categories. Actually this posts ID is 100, but I have a few drafts lying around... 博客统计信息:…
Just noticed there have been some changes on the PEAR site. Check it out - no nav menu on the left, spacier for the main content... 只是注意到PEAR网站上发生了一些变化。 检查一下-左侧没有导航菜单,主要内容的空格... http://pear.php.net/ http://pear…
在线视频,在线音频越来越流行,即使你的网站成不了 YouTube,也不妨在上面部署一些可以直接在线播放的视频,在 Web 上播放媒体,如今最可靠方案莫过于 Flash。本文介绍5个免费的,简单易用的,可以嵌…
css路径自动加上了路径Back when I was still actively into speaking at public events (way, way back, something like year and a half ago (which strangely roughly coincides with the time I joined Facebook, hmmm (hmm? (huh? whats with the parentheses? sure a…
qt containersBack in May 2015, Miguel showed us all how to deploy WordPress on Bluemix using containers. Now you can use the official WordPress image from the Docker Hub instead of the custom image used in the previous tutorial! 早在2015年5月, M…
网站漏洞修补Your favourite blogger (yeps, that would be me) - patched! 您最喜欢的博客(是的,那就是我)-已修复! Its been 48 hours since my hernia surgery. Dont worry about me, "everythings cool, everythings smooth". I can hard…
编者按:Future Simple是一家为小商户开发在线软件的公司,其创始人兼CEO Uzi Shmilovici撰写了这篇文章。这篇文章是基于芝加哥大学布斯商学院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business)经济学教授Eric Budish的一项研究,并结合了Andr…
今天WP碰到一个坑。无论发布文章还是更新插件、更换主题都是这么一种状态“您点击的链接已过期”;The Link You Followed Has Expired
百度出来的答案都是修改post_max_size 方法1. 通过functions.php文件修复
Here are some reviews of the places I visited during my Maui trip, (the markup is in hReview microformat, using the hReview creator) 这是我在毛伊岛旅行期间访问过的地方的一些评论(标记使用hReview微格式,使用hReview创建器) 从火山顶部的壮丽景色 (Brea…
Below you should enter your database connection details. If you’re not sure about these, contact your host.Database Name
The name of the database you want to use with WordPress.
Your database username.
opensearchHave you noticed when you visit some sites, theres a bluish glow in the search engine field in Firefox. Like this: 当您访问某些网站时,是否注意到了,Firefox的搜索引擎字段中发出蓝色的光芒。 像这样: What does that eve…
Overall, the cert guide is pretty comprehensive on the subject of the conditional statements. 总体而言,证书指南对条件语句的主题非常全面。 One tiny insignificant detail. There is an example that goes like < ?php if ($a < 100) { echo Less t…
共同成长共同进步的团队coComment looks like a very promising service. Helping you keep track of all comments you post on all various blogs ... sweet! coComment看起来是一项非常有前途的服务。 帮助您跟踪您在各种博客上发布的所有评论...太好了! Check i…
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_header() in
Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/index.php on line 17
Marco, this great guy and talented web-dev from Netherlands (spelled ?????�?�???????? in Bulgarian, as in Holland), has a great intro to xajax. If youre browsing around to pick an AJAX library that suits you best, this i…
首先启动emThe sites Zend PHP Certification - the official homepage of the exam http://www.zend.com/store/education/certification/zend-php-certification.php 网站Zend PHP认证-考试的官方主页http://www.zend.com/store/education/certification/zend-php-certificat…
1. 使用oneinstack安装lnmp环境,按照"Recommend PHP 7.4 or greater and MySQL version 5.7 or MariaDB version 10.4 or greater."的wordpress官方建议配置生成安装脚本。配置后在/root/oneinstack/options.conf中可找到安装的相关目录位置和密码等。 2.…
c# 把数组写成pngAs you know yours truly is a guitar hero wannabe. So Im playing with the idea of recording a song/video called "Give PiNG a Chance", cover of "Give peace a chance". Hopefully whoever hears it will then think twice before…
这是自动采集系列的第三步,达到了预先的设想 #coded by 伊玛目的门徒
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.users import GetUserInfo
I promise this is gonna be the last time on it :-) 自從寫完下面兩篇文章: wordpress 1.5升級注意事項 - 中文亂碼篇 mysql 4.1中文亂碼第二擊 過去幾個月就不斷有來信詢問各種 mysql 中文相容的問題,所以有機會看到許多玩家們用的各式連接法與程…
This tweet had me revise a 5 year old experiment on how print CSS affects page loading, especially in the light of mobile browsers. 这条推文让我修改了一个为期5年的关于打印CSS如何影响页面加载的实验,尤其是针对移动浏览器。 So I tweaked the test eve…
In php/mysql, flash, flex December 19, 2005 - 1:23 pm
I promise this is gonna be the last time on it 自從寫完下面兩篇文章:wordpress 1.5升級注意事項 - 中文亂碼篇mysql 4.1中文亂碼第二擊過去幾個月就不斷有來信詢問各種 mysql 中文相容的問題,…
wordpress更换域名后,后台不能访问,出现以下提示:Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
So I spoke at Facebooks F8 in San Francisco last week. Actually my teammate Varun spoke mostly, I just interrupted a few times. 所以我上周在旧金山的Facebook F8上发表了讲话。 其实我的队友瓦伦( Varun)说话最多,只是打了几次。 Among other things we a…
前端模板收费 赚钱Im under the impression that these days were used to getting everything for free on the web, and especially so when it comes to things such as WordPress templates, phpBB themes or any other templates and themes. Are people willing to pay f…
在WordPress中存在层级文章的设定,常见于:Page、Custom Post Type
dreamhost 好用吗ExifTool looks like a very promising tool to fiddle with all sorts of JPEG metadata (needed for smush.it) but first I had to make sure I can install it on Dreamhost. Although installation didnt go as described on the exiftool site (since I …
Marquee (<marquee>) - does anybody remember this IE-only HTML tag? Does anybody still use it? This sooo ooold, pre-historic, 20th century, Web1.0-ish tag 🙂 . Thinking about marquee and falling into a nostalgic mood, how about the blink …
WordPress.com was launched after a testing, pre-go-live period. So now the question "how to start blogging" has a very simple answer: WordPress.com是在经过测试,上线前期后推出的。 因此,现在的问题“如何开始写博客”有了一个非常…
求前缀后缀真前缀真后缀The PHP certification guide is short but perfectly clear on the topic of postfix and prefix operations. My only remark is that due to the font used in this book, the pre/postfix decrement (--) is displayed as one long dash ὤ…
I got a nice email from Amazon last week 🙂 Unfortunately the book is still missing things like cover image and description, but its a progress! 上周我从亚马逊收到了一封不错的电子邮件🙂不幸的是,这本书仍然缺少诸如封面图像和描…
What is XAMPP?
XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment
XAMPP is a comple…
如今WordPress的正变得比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,这里提到的11个提升WordPress速度与性能的技巧可能对你有用。网站性能是任何成功的网站的一个关键因素。 1.安装DB Cache插件 DB Cache插件可以对每个数据库查询进行终生缓存,它的优点在于速度远远超过其…
This is our amazing custom theme
echo 22;
function myfirstfunction(){
echo 33;
echo "<p>Hello ,this is my first function</…
Hi ,my name is
<?php echo $myName; ?>
Hi,my name is
<?php echo $names[0] ?>
Hi,my name is
Fatal error: Unparenthesized a ? b : c ? d : e is not supported. Use either (a ? b : c) ? d : e or a ? b : (c ? d : e) in D:\…
$page_title (string) – The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected.
$menu_title (string) – The text to be used for the menu.
$capability (st…